Thursday, 24 July 2008

Music Jam 2008 Schedule and Backstage pass.

Here is the shedule for the jam tomorrow:

Boulder: Because regular "rock" is not big enough. Get down at the ice rink!

Bubble-Pop: As sweet and fun as bubble gum! Bust a move at the beach.

The Orca Straw: Have a whale of a time of a symphony! Conducted in ski village.

Sparkle Rock: More glitter than you can handle. Grooving at the lighthouse.

Best of the west: The best country music in the country! Line dancing at the Forest.

Easy Island Music: Smooth as sand, but feels nicer in your ears.

The Penguin Band: Rock Club Penguin with your favorite Club Penguin Stars!

Obiously, here are the party rules:

If you see an empty stage - Grab your band mates and rock it!

If you hear an amazing song - Get down and bust a move on the dance floor.

If you see the Penguin Band - Cheer like crazy and show your love!

Grab a backstage pass for an extra surprise!

WARNING!: Backstage passes are in limited supplies!

It looks we have to hurry and get a pass for a free gift? It looks hard, it will be cool!

Click here to enter Club Pengucheats!

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