Friday, 26 September 2008

Fall Fair here!

The Fall Fair from last year’s has returned. It is one of the best parties ever, where Club Penguin celebrates the leaves falling with a special way!
The new lollipop pin is located at the Lighthouse:

You can also get the Yellow Baloon Pin, at the Non-Members’ Item Booth at the Forest. It costs 100 tickets. You can earn tickets by playing games.

The Item Booth for everyone is located at the Forest.

There you can buy these items:
Feathered Tiara (From Last Year): 1200 tickets

Lollipop Candy (From Last Year): 1000 tickets

Giant Green Sunglasses (From Summer Party ‘07): 1000 tickets

Yellow Balloon Pin: 100 tickets. There is also a members only room called Arcade Circle. You can enter it by the Snow Forts.There is a Member Items Booth located there.

You can buy:
Giant Yellow Sunglasses: 1000 tickets

Teddy Bear: 2000 tickets

Candy Apple: 800 tickets

Here is a list of the games you can play to earn tickets. All of the games are from last year’s except the 2 member games. Click on the name of each game to play it without logging into Club Penguin (you won’t earn any tickets on your penguin though). This way you can play the 2 new member games.
Grab & Spin : Dock
Ring the Bell: Dock
Memory Game: Beach
Puffle Shuffle: Forest
Feed a Puffle: Cove
Puffle Paddle: Snow Forts
Balloon Pop: Arcade Circle (Party room) - Members Only Game
Puffle Soaker: Arcade Circle (Party room) - Members Only Game

Well, that's it, hope you enjoy the fall fair and your week-end and see ya around!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

the fonts have changed on nearly all the games

hey guys have u seen the titles on the games i think nearly all of them are bold

cya nextime guys

upcoming events

as you should all know the fall fair is on its way but there a more events here they are

1.there are new fall fair items

2.rockhoppers coming!!!!!!!!

3.halloween party penguins turns 3 years old

5.there is also a new mission!!!!!!!!

we will all have too much fun i reckon this years fall fair will be the best party ever

cya nextime guys

Friday, 12 September 2008

New play, 2 pins, and a costume secret!

The first pin, the Magnifying Glass, is located on the tree at the Dock.
Here’s how to get the second pin, the Ruby
Go to the Stage Click the things in the following order: File Cabinet, Trashcan, Book, Vase, Painting
Click the Safe behind the painting.You now have the Ruby pin!
There is a background for nonmembers in the Catalog. To get the secret Noir background, open the Costume Catalog at the Stage. Then flip to the back cover, drag down the words, and click on the background. Costume Catalog Secrets
Click the doorknob on the 4th page for the Dark Detective’s CoatAlso, there will be a quikee party today! Quikee parties EVERY friday. The Round 1 for the author won't finish untile there are 10 participants. And be sure to comment letting me know what you think of the new play!

Wednesday, 10 September 2008


right i got a virus on my computer so i couldnt post for a bit there is a new stage and a new catolauge

cya nextime