Friday, 12 September 2008

New play, 2 pins, and a costume secret!

The first pin, the Magnifying Glass, is located on the tree at the Dock.
Here’s how to get the second pin, the Ruby
Go to the Stage Click the things in the following order: File Cabinet, Trashcan, Book, Vase, Painting
Click the Safe behind the painting.You now have the Ruby pin!
There is a background for nonmembers in the Catalog. To get the secret Noir background, open the Costume Catalog at the Stage. Then flip to the back cover, drag down the words, and click on the background. Costume Catalog Secrets
Click the doorknob on the 4th page for the Dark Detective’s CoatAlso, there will be a quikee party today! Quikee parties EVERY friday. The Round 1 for the author won't finish untile there are 10 participants. And be sure to comment letting me know what you think of the new play!

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